About Tom Wakechild

Coming from the business world while being a mystic is a rare combination. This gives Tom a unique practical perspective to successfully straddle both the material and spiritual worlds. Tom believes that if your spiritual practice does not bring the joy and peace that you seek and deserve today, it is of little or no use. You deserve better.
Thomas Wakechild is a best-selling author and scribe for the Understanding Course in Miracles Series (formerly A Course In Miracles For Dummies Series). His highly acclaimed book, Ending Fear: The “7R” Formula for Fearless Awakening, is a practical step by step guided system designed to teach you how to manage and eliminate your fears so that you can unlock your own creative energies and now live a happier self-directed life.

Known as a practical mystic,  Tom blends the scientific and mystical traditions to formulate practical solutions for today’s fear-based world. His teachings end the blame, shame and guilt game while enabling you to respond to events without compromising your values or inner peace. At the heart of Tom Wakechild's teachings is this simple truth. “You cannot be happy when you live in fear. Yet, you can never escape fear within an thought system that was designed to create and perpetuated fear in the first place. You need a new plan.”

Tom teaches you that new plan and how to overthrow your old fear-based thought system that you were brainwashed into believing as a small child.. There has never been anything wrong with you but you remain trapped in the wrong plan. By rediscovering of the truth about who they really are, Tom's simple yet effective teachings have helped people around the world find the inner peace, joy and happiness that they seek and deserve in their daily lives today, not tomorrow. 

Fear arises any time you believe you lack the creative ability to handle a given situation. Yet science and mystical traditions both teach that within each of us there is an untapped power that you can use to transform your life. By learning to manage your fear, you can access that creative energy to live a rich, full and happy self-directed life .

There has never been anything wrong with you. Rather your current fear-based plan is the problem. You cannot be happy when you live in fear. You need a new plan to overthrow your indoctrinated fear based thought system and reclaim your inner peace and joy. Today you can get that plan and reclaim your power to transform your life.
For more about Tom and his work visit his website at:


email : tom@wakechild.com

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