Thank you for confirming your Desire to Apply for your Free exploratory session with Tom Wakechild.

How to apply for your free exploratory session

Download application. In order to determine whether or not you are right for our INDIVIDUALIZED ONE-ON-ONE MENTORING AND COACHING PROGRAMS, you must first complete a simple 3 question preliminary application.
Complete the 3 question application and return the completed form to:

Once it has been reviewed, if I think I can help you and we are a potentially good fit, I will schedule a free 45 minute exploratory session to discuss your concerns and answer any questions you may have.
If after that initial exploratory session screening, we both believe that you are a good candidate and that I can help you achieve your objectives, then our staff will contact you with further  recommendations or details about your acceptance into this coaching and mentoring program.
If you are accepted into a mentoring program, a deep drive exploratory questionnaire will be require along with your financial commitment. No exceptions will be made to this policy since this is an indication that you are serious about achieving your goals.

 Testimonials- What Students say about the program

“Tom has a truly unique approach to healing the mind and is like no other counsel I have sought in the past. In months under Tom's guidance, I have made more headway that in years. He help me to uncover hidden beliefs that were keeping me small and to identify their roots so that I could finally release them and enjoy life in a more expanded way. I am so grateful for his presence and his devotion to the Truth." K.M. AZ, USA  

“I was unknowingly trapped in patterns of belief that resurfaced again and again. I did not realize that discovering these core beliefs and deciding to change or modify them would result in freeing me from patterns that were no longer serving me. I highly recommend this... It is a life changer!” B. K. CO, USA

“The assignments you gave me that dealt with my personal/spiritual life, definitely has given me the courage, support and confirmation I needed to go forward... Thank you for your gift of insight, encouragement, and compassion.” R.D. NY, USA.